A high passion of mine is passing on the skills and expertise that I have. Here you will find lesson plans, teaching info and more to encourage you on your journey as a dance leader, teacher or assistant.
So here is a simple workshop plan. Sometimes my plans are
written out in detail, others are not as I know that there needed to be a lot
of space to let God move and see where the session was going to take us. So
below is an example of a ‘light’ plan. When I delivered this session, it was
one of my busiest for a while, so it was lovely to see how each person developed
their individual movement style.
Let me know how you get on!
Pray – always begin
with prayer, welcome God into the space you are in.
Read all of Romans 8 – what are your initial thoughts?
Focus on the following areas for discussion –
Verses 1 – 4
Verse 14 – children of God
Verses 37 to the end.
Creative Task – Life through
the spirit
What has you week looked like? Where has the spirit been in
Take a piece of paper and draw or sketch your journey. Think
about peaks and troughs and how you travelled from one space to another.
Get Moving
Individually –
identify ways that you can put movements together to demonstrate your journey.
Share with others if you comfortable.
With Others –
Link your journeys together. Do this by first all doing your own journey at the
same time. Then identify points at which your journey can intersect with
someone else’s. Finally, how different does the journey look if you add some
one in?
You should 3 variations now. Your own with others, your own
that intersects with others and finally your own with someone else in the
journey at some point too.
Share with others your finished dance. Use it as a time of
blessing, both to give, but also to receive.
Throughout history flags and ribbons have been used in many significant ways – declaration and proclamation, worship, battle and celebration. Flags have become increasingly popular in churches to demonstrate freedom of expression and encourage other people to experience and try out dance and moving with their faith. Today I want to share 4 good things to know about worship flags in the Bible.
Know this before you start
Flags and banners themselves have no power. The significance
is in Scripture and what they symbolize, God ‘inhabits the praises of His
people’ and brings the kingdom in when we choose to take them up in faith.
However, I feel strongly, that flags and banners should not be picked up lightly. There is a lot more power in them, than people realise. They are a vehicle to talk to God, to communicate, worship and share your heart. Be aware of this, as you choose to move with them.
Let’s try and understand them a bit more…
How are worship flags used in the Bible?
Historically in the Bible there were 4 different ways worship flags and banners were used. Let’s look at an overview.
Israel’s banner of God being with them demonstrated how they were a people who belonged to God. They housed the Ark of the Covenant, with them morning and evening. It was a symbol of God saying I am with you, just like we have the Holy Spirit.
Each tribe had one rallying point for the fighting men of the tribes. This brought together a demonstration of military and fighting force. They could look to the horizon and know the banner they needed to get back to.
The next level was tribal unit identity. There were 3 tribes on each side NESW, so they knew exactly where they belonged – their identity.
Finally there were family clan units – these were based on the location of other banners, families always knew where to camp. The banners acted as reference points, therefore giving individuals purpose and vision.
What can banners do?
Tell people who you represent, bit like a signal pole always high on a hill.
Signal of intent about what is to come – Jeremiah 51.12
Indicate past victories they’d come through – different ribbons are attached to their pole under their banner depending on the battle won. Psalm 20.5 and 7
Indication of Gods presence – Moses and Aaron’s staff are banners that have been lifted and a response occurred. Exodus – 25
Put enemies to flight. Isaiah 31.9
Remember this going forward about worship flags in the Bible.
This is very quick overview of the use of worship flags in the Bible. But hopefully offers you a small insight into what the Bible says, and areas to think about when you choose to dance with flags.
I like to remember it as a visual demonstration of a spiritual truth. Just like moving normally, you never know the impact moving with flags and banners can have on you and others who may witness it. The colour you use can create just as much impact.
Finally, want to come and try using resources during your worship? Then get in touch with me here to chat about me coming to your church, where you can try out ways of moving with flags, ribbons and material. No prior experience necessary!
You can also head to Shop where there is a selection of flags, ribbons and streamers that you can purchase to get you going.
Want to keep up with UC Grace journey? We’d love to keep you in the loop. Head here to get your name down!
When you choose to stand up and teach in front of others you need to know that you’re teaching from a point of authority with a firm foundation in what you hold true. These couple of verse provide a fantastic opportunity to remember how and why you choose to teach and share God’s word. Whether that’s through dance and movement or another avenue.
Let’s begin by breaking the verse down into 4 sections.
1.) ‘Pattern of sound teaching’ – rely on the word
God gives His word as a basis to build life from. It’s sound, sturdy and full of amazing values. If we choose to teach his truth it needs to come from a sound basis.
2.) ‘faith and love’ – love doing it through faith and love
Faith is relying on what you don’t see. Rely and trust that God loves you, carries and equips you to share with love.
3.) ‘Guard the good deposit entrusted’ – guard his word
Gods word is the best. He deposits in us a desire to share, and to do so knowing the full assurance of his word.
4.) ‘Help of the holy spirit’ – let the spirit help
There is always someone there to help and guide you. Let his spirit in and let it guide you.
It is such an amazing privilege to share Gods word with others. Enjoy doing it, and let God lead!
Weaving prayer into our everyday life can sometimes be a challenge can’t it? I love exploring ways to use movement and prayer together, go deeper with God and journey with others.
Amazing Grace Course July 2018
We’ve developed a fantastic resource to enable you to start moving at a pace that you are comfortable with, pausing where needed. It’s completely FREE and you can access it here. We’d love to know how you get on, so please do let us know.
When I connect prayer and movement I find it easier to associate with specific areas. In the FREE download – 5 Ways to use Prayer and Movement together, I identify the following areas –
Each area providing an avenue to explore movement in a different way. It can be really daunting choosing to step out and pray using movement. But the thing that God delights most, is not only that you try, but that nothing is EVER WRONG. Any way you choose to move for him, there is a party. PLUS if someone sees you doing prayer movement, you never know the impact that that will have on them.
So go on, go for it and try stepping out! Grab the it here.