Tuesday Thought – Your Journey (09.10.18)
Dancing with a Holy Roar
“In Him we Live and Move and have our Being.” Acts 17.28
God has given us our amazing bodies to move and dance with in whatever way we can. The other day I came across Chris Tomlins new song ‘HOLY ROAR‘, it took my breath away. It spoke right into my core, about why I move and dance, and the strength, passion and integrity with which I do it. It prompted an opportunity to share at our latest Living Colour workshop how we could explore Dancing with a Holy Roar.
But what does Holy Roar actually mean? It’s best to start by looking at how the dictionary defines each word.
Lets start with Holy – dedicated or consecrated to God, sacred. Which sounds a great way to describe this special word. Participants at the workshop also came up with the following –
- Special/ quietness – an awe
- Pure, sacred. Set apart and hard to translate
- Jesus dying on the cross. What he did for us
In essence, Holy, is something that is indescribable, beyond words, definitely set apart and something special.
Whilst Roar is defined as – a full deep, prolonged cry uttered by a lion or wild animal. That’s pretty intense isn’t it?! Other words came up in discussion such as –
- Power
- Roaring like a lion
- Strong
- Loud
- Aggressive/ emotive
How can we link these two words together? If I now asked you what you think Holy Roar means as one thing what would you say?
- Cry for justice from a place of deep grief or righteous anger
- From the belly – it uses your whole being
- Confrontation with all your strength but you’re 100% up for it
- Freedom

What do you think it means to have a Holy Roar in dance ministry and life? Massive questions hey! But have a think, how could you move and dance with Holy Roar as your foundation?
My favourite line from the responses above has to be the picture of ‘from the belly’, because actually that’s what it’s all about. When we worship, when we cry out to God, when we battle and declare he is victorious. We are putting our whole heart into it. We’re choosing to be strong, clear, and direct with our movement and what we want to declare.
Think of it like your belt of truth. The belt is something that holds things in place, stabilises your core and carries things. If you have a weak core, your ability to move efficiently will be diminished. The core of moving and dancing comes from knowing the truth in the Bible. I love the imagery of tightening the belt the more you know. It’s like you’re choosing to take a stand point and are notching in ready for the fight!
So when you choose to move and dance. Think about the stand point you are taking, and how you can use a Holy Roar in your movement.
What different ways do you pray?
What different ways do you pray?
Weaving prayer into our everyday life can sometimes be a challenge can’t it? I love exploring ways to use movement and prayer together, go deeper with God and journey with others.

We’ve developed a fantastic resource to enable you to start moving at a pace that you are comfortable with, pausing where needed. It’s completely FREE and you can access it here. We’d love to know how you get on, so please do let us know.
When I connect prayer and movement I find it easier to associate with specific areas. In the FREE download – 5 Ways to use Prayer and Movement together, I identify the following areas –
- Walking
- Knees
- Thanking
- Declaring
- Revealing
Each area providing an avenue to explore movement in a different way. It can be really daunting choosing to step out and pray using movement. But the thing that God delights most, is not only that you try, but that nothing is EVER WRONG. Any way you choose to move for him, there is a party. PLUS if someone sees you doing prayer movement, you never know the impact that that will have on them.
So go on, go for it and try stepping out! Grab the it here.
Tuesday Thought – But in our struggle (02.10.18)
Tuesday Thought – I am a child of God (29.09.18)
Tuesday Thought – God has great plans (18.09.18)
Hello and welcome to our blog at UC Grace!
This will be a new place where we hope to inspire you with our passion, teaching and dancing. We hope to use this blog as a platform to communicate with you the things that stir our heart, help us to teach and how God speaks to us about using dance and movement in our every day life.
“Everyday people are the movers and shakers. They are the ones who bear testimony to the great events.”
As you may know, our heart is to encourage, grow and release all who come in contact with UC Grace, whether that is through dance, prayer or just connecting with us through conversation. Whatever journey you are on, we aspire to enable you to go deeper on your journey with God, grow closer to the word and be confident to share and pass on your experience on to others.
Catch you soon! 🙂