Got a question about the Prayer dance trail? Then check out the questions below. If you still have questions then please do get in touch.
How long are the sessions?
Online sessions will last between 60 and 90 minutes, this will provide flexibility needed for discussions.
The in-person session will be 2 hours.
What happens if I miss an online session?
You can catch up afterwards as the recording will be uploaded into the learning portal.
What will we cover during the first online session?
This first session will be introducing the trail, what it looks like, how you will do it and laying the foundations of creating your own trail. We will begin to unpick how to pick a topic and what you need to think about relating to that topic during the course of the trail.
The trail will be challenging, so we will also talk about some of the challenges and excitement that it can bring.
I will share ways you can start movement and what can inspire you during your journey. Between the 1st and 2nd weeks you will encouraged to start creating some movement yourself as well as firm up the finre details about the trail that you are going to take.
What will we cover during the second online session?
This session gets exciting as we dive deep into what movement on the trail looks like. I will share a topic and how I have developed it – this will be available for everyone to use if they wish.
You will also find out ways that you can document your journey with the trail. Between the 2nd and 3rd session you will be encouraged to actually do the trail, and not just once! Always coming back to how God can impact you through this trail and your prayer dance journey.
What will we cover during the third online session?
The final session will offer a time to draw together how your prayer dance trail went and the impact that it has had on you.
Reflection, praise, worship and moving forward will al feature.
Are we supposed to be dancing outside during the online session?
Not at all! You will need access to notebook, bible, pen and workbook during the sessions. Of course if you want to do the session outside you are most welcome, but we won’t be moving for the whole session. Don’t get cold!
What do we do between each of the online sessions?
At the end of each online session Anna will explain what you will need to do between then and the next online session. You will be encouraged to complete that so you can maximise your experience and learning during the course.
If we want to listen to the session again will we be able to access it?
Yes of course. All online sessions will be recorded and uploaded into the learning portal for you to watch again at your own pace.
Will I need to record myself moving at all?
No. You will not be required to provide ‘evidence’ of your dance trail. But equally if you wish to record and share with us, you are most welcome.
If I wanted to record some of my movements and share them how would I do that?
Recording – The easiest way to do this is with two devices. For example, I use my tablet or computer to play the music I want to dance to and I use my phone to video my movement. I have a tripod to help me with recording but propping it up against something works just fine too!
Sharing – if you have the recording on your phone, you then have the ability to share into any whatsapp groups, upload to facebook/ social media or email. Most videos would be too large to attach to an email directly. So a file transfer service like www.wetransfer.com works well for this.
What is the learning portal?
The learning portal is an online space where everything is uploaded for you to access. It’s main address is https://community.ucgrace.co.uk/ . If you have previously brought the 40 day dance and movement devotional, you would have purchased it here. Just log in as normal. Can’t remember your password? Then request a reminder.
Hope this has helped. Don’t forget you can find all the other details and how to book here. Don’t forget there is also the blog post Creating Prayer Dance Trail that gives a more in depth idea of what is involved.