I love teaching and I love being able to intertwine faith and dance together. This is because I see them as one, a continuous cycle, so one can’t function without the other. Therefore it makes sense to teach them both! However, there are 3 key things that influence my dance ministry teaching and I’m looking forward to sharing what they are here and how they are a springboard to UC Grace.
1 – My faith journey impacts my dance ministry teaching
Our faith helps us display who God has made us to be. It helps us realise and accept the qualities and purpose God has written on our lives.
In my dance ministry teaching, my passion is to help these things to develop – passion to teach that God has written our purpose in our lives already. Purpose to identify how you can use the experiences you have in your life to encourage you in your walk. Freedom to give you space to grow and release who you are.
In other words, it is my desire to share my faith that propels me forward with my dance ministry teaching. The enjoyment I get from learning more about God’s word and demonstrating that through dance and movement. Leads me to build and share into dance ministry from a strong foundation.

2 – Childhood memories helped grow my dance ministry teaching
Memories pay such a key part in building our foundation for how we live the rest of our life. Here are just two stories that helped to lay the foundation of where I have come from with dance and teaching.
- The first story is about when I began dancing. Something stirred in me, even from a young age, I loved it. From an early age I was given the opportunity to take part in solo’s and duets at competitions. There is one memory that sticks with me. I was performing at a competition and have lots on fun, until I managed to forget my dance!!! It left me with such a feeling of embarrassment, upset, and shame. It made me shrink back from performances.
- Who has felt that tug of the Holy Spirit, the nudge that you should do something, or that total abandonment feeling that the Holy Spirit is there right with you? Who has had that through movement? What an experience! The first time this happened, my eyes were opened to how I could share my heart with God and be lost in the process. There was no pressure to do things a certain way, or wonder about whether I was doing it right. It was just purely sinking into God in that moment to grow closer to him through dance and movement.
The impact…
These two very simple stories, are what started my journey to where I am now and influenced me moving forward.
Amazingly, as a result of the stall in performance as young girl it means that when I perform now, I have to make the choice to lean on God throughout the whole dance.
Making the effort to breathe is the most important thing! Although breathing seems such a simple thing, it enabled me to remain grounded throughout the dance and choose to put my focus on God. There have been many times since then, that I have struggled with performances, and I know during those times it was because I wasn’t leaning on God and trying to do it by myself.
Recognising the nudge from the Holy Spirit has made me more aware of my journey and conversation with God. That important thing, of both talking and then allowing time to listen back. Realising that the reasons you move, may be different to what others may see in your movement. Where you have the chance to be blessed and bless others. To look for the GRACE in that moment and seize that conversation with God.
3 – Making training a priority for my dance ministry teaching
I mentioned at the beginning about how I see faith and dance intertwined as one thing. Think of it like this –
As you grow in dance, you grow in God.
As you grow in God, you expand you dance.
This quote is brilliant as it demonstrates how our relationship can go round in a continual circle. By investing in one of the things (faith), it influences the impact that the other (dance) can have.
Most importantly it offers the chance for continual growth. Part of recognising the space for that continual growth is immersing myself in God’s word. Allowing space for the scripture and it’s application into my heart and how I can apply it.
For dancing, it’s taking the opportunity to learn and be grounded in dance technique, that has been essential in the development of my dance skills. Part of learning those skills and technique involved going back to university as this offered the best place for me to grow in teaching styles and and understanding of creative process.
Creative process within dance teaching ministry is extremely important as it’s where we really let the Holy Spirit fly. Choosing grow in your faith and dance will have no impact if you don’t let Holy Spirit work alongside you.

What does this mean for me?
In your personal dance ministry teaching you need to understand how the past, present and future can impact it. Here are some simple things for you to think through and how they could affect your teaching journey as you go forward.
- Your past experiences influence the passion that drives you. What speaks to you most, what stories do you remember the most? How does your faith connect you to your dance and movement journey?
- Your present situation will help you define the purpose that you stand for with your teaching. Do you feel adequately equipped to step out into dance ministry teaching? Are there things that you need to learn more of?
- The future offers you a chance to bring freedom to many through dance and movement. However, in order for this to happen, you need an open channel of communication with God, a continuous conversation allows both parties to listen and respond.
What’s your story? What got you to where you are, at the moment?
What if you’re a dance teacher (primarily hip hop) in a secular/public school?
Hi Kim!
Excellent question! Even if you are teaching dance in the secular sphere the same three things can apply.
1. It’s your choice how you let your faith influence how you teach, that could be down to the music that you use (right words, themes etc), to what you wear, to how you encourage each person in your session. Think about the qualities of God and how you can role model them for others to see – compassion, kindness, firmness, consistency, keeping your word etc. Not being afraid to mention God in your sessions even in passing comments.
2. Whether you grew up dancing when you were little or came to it as you got older, think about how you learnt, the things you enjoyed and made you want to come back and do more. In your sessions when things might seem wobbly, choose to pause and take a deep breath, remember what stirred you to move and how God can speak through you. It’s the intention that you bring to any movement that brings your faith journey into it.
3. Create a habit that you do before each session that lead to ask God to be with you during that session. Just because you are not opening teaching about God does not mean that He can not work and that the Holy Spirit can be stirring things. If anything you are in even more a special position to be praying and imparting into the children’s live a consistency and undertone of how great God is.
Hope that helps. Feel free to pop me an email via the contact page if you want to chat it through some more.
Anna 🙂