‘I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,’
Ephesians 1:17-18
Christian Dance mentoring
Supporting you to begin a journey, build a foundation and share your heart.
My heart at UC Grace is to equip and strengthen you not only in your faith, but also your Christian dance and movement capabilities. We live in a world where there’s a constant battle in deciphering the way forward. Wouldn’t you want to be able to hear, see and respond to God with confidence knowing that He is at the centre of all you do? UC Grace Christian dance mentoring is about working alongside you, helping you develop strategies and techniques that will put you in a place to deepen your journey of faith and Christian dance and movement.

Christian Dance Mentoring
Supporting you to begin a journey, build a foundation and share your heart.
My heart at UC Grace is to equip and strengthen you not only in your faith but also your Christian dance and movement capabilities. We live in a world where there’s a constant battle in deciphering the way forward. Wouldn’t you want to be able to hear, see and respond to God with confidence knowing that He is at the centre of all you do. UC Grace Christian dance mentoring is about working alongside you, helping you develop strategies and techniques that will put you in a place to deepen your journey of faith and Christian dance and movement.

At the beginning of 2020, I was lucky if my Bible got a weekly glance, it wasn’t in my rhythm, and I struggled to apply what I was reading. I was looking to everyone else to discover how I could grow closer to God. This even included how often they moved or danced, to what, how and why. I realised I was striving to be someone which I wasn’t made for.

When the pandemic hit, and we were forced to be at home. There were two choices with my faith and movement. Do nothing. Or choose to engage and ask God how. I wanted to be creative in the engagement, and I wanted it to be relevant. I wanted my journey with Scripture and dance to blend and be reflective of where I was really at.

It was from this desire that I gave God space to reveal more of Himself and I took one Scripture verse at a time. What followed was a deep journey of allowing Scripture, movement and prayer to be in a rhythm that suited me. A rhythm which, because it was mine alone, could shift and change as I needed and wanted.

It’s from this desire to see others encounter, accept and move in their own rhythm that Christian dance mentoring came about.
God made each of us unique. If we are all unique, how we encounter His word, deepen our journey, and move our prayers are unique too. Christian dance mentoring will help you find your creative way to encounter God. To expand your movement skills, your rhythm of exploring God’s word and being in conversation with Him. It will open you up to accepting that how you do things is how God made you.
I’ll help you identify habits and rhythms that you can naturally use in your day to day. Walking with God, day to day is so important in our faith. But that’s hard. Together we can discover the things that inhibit you and that overflow in you. Let God’s spirit of wisdom and revelation rest on you.

How can I take part in Christian dance mentoring?
Meeting online or in-person (if within 20 miles of RG29).
Please fill in the application form and then I will be touch shortly.
There limited mentoring slots available each month. For latest availability on when the session maybe please drop me an email here.
- 30 minutes session
- Priced at £50
Working through one thing you’d like to develop we work together to create a plan of action. As I offer relevant guidance and experience.
Tailored Programme
E.g delivered over 8 -12 weeks
- Plan setting welcome call 15 minutes
- 180 minutes 1:1 calls
- Email support for 8 weeks
- Entrance and exit questionnaires for monitoring.
- Priced £450
Is there a framework?
The Christian dance mentoring sessions are based on my Frame principle. This is 4 key things that help influence and grow who we are as a dancer, leader, explorer and Christian. They act as a frame to support you as you move forward and grow as an individual.
Mentoring sessions will focus on key elements of the Frame to help you stand firm in your faith, mindset, skills, and abilities. The frame is made up of:
Your Heart –
Focuses on your mindset and the core of your heart. We look at how you can have the right mindset and focus on the good things to move you forward. Ensuring that God is central to leading and guiding you through the season you are in. We consider what your heart is leaning on and why. Encouragement is a key part of the ‘Your Heart’ frame.
Your Foundation –
Focuses on the purpose that God displays for your life, helping you to identify the desires of your heart whilst responding to scripture. We look at the scriptures that impact you the most and why. Resulting in identifying key ones that can help you on your journey moving forward. Understanding your purpose and desire is a key part of the ‘Your Foundation’ frame.
Your Process –
Focuses on accountability and the habits and processes you can put in place to help you stay true to your path. We explore effective ways for you to integrate your learning and any teaching skills into your journey and day-to-day life. Sharing with others your faith and expressing the changes you are making in your pathway is a key part of the ‘Your Process’ frame.
Your Presentation –
Focuses on underpinning your faith routine and acknowledging the impact that it can have on your life and others. It seeks to encourage you in your experience of the Holy Spirit. Communicating God’s word through speech and movement and through the actions that you take. This final frame strives to release God’s potential inside you in the best possible way.
‘Just want to thank you so much Anna for equipping me to dance during sadness and encouraging me to dance when I sometimes don’t feel like it!’
‘UC Grace is marvelous for building confidence.. Also courage to step out and worship in a lovely free/freeing way.’
‘UC Grace is a very special ministry. The teaching is based on THE WORD, and its leader is very committed to that,and offers all those who are involved so much to be able to grow in so many ways.’
‘Just want to thank you so much Anna for equipping me to dance during sadness and encouraging me to dance when I sometimes don’t feel like it!’
‘UC Grace is marvelous for building confidence.. Also courage to step out and worship in a lovely free/freeing way.’
‘UC Grace is a very special ministry. The teaching is based on THE WORD, and its leader is very committed to that,and offers all those who are involved so much to be able to grow in so many ways.’