Have you considered the possibility that you are wired by a creative God, to think and be creative?
This might sound strange and uncomfortable, if you would consider yourself as someone who doesn’t have a creative bone in their body. Are you someone who would say “I’m not creative at all”, “I can do a bit of this and that” or “Yes I am creative”?
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Genesis 1:28

Where do you see a creative God?
I took this picture recently at a UC Grace workshop. The sky, the birds that evening as well as my friends movement to a worship song were so awe inspiring, it caused me to stop what I was doing and take a moment to take it all in.
Our heavenly father made all of this. From darkness he made the world come into being. You and I are made with the very same hands, in this very image. We have a creator God, who made the fish, the sea, the birds and the stunning sunset and so much more. He creates on mass, with an abundant quality, God doesn’t do things by halves. God is the greatest creativity guru of all time and paints a canvas with the sky and the sea and so much more.
How does that make us creative?
So if that’s true, perhaps he has wired you and I to possess something of this life-giving creativity ourselves.
Being fruitful and multiplying means ending up with more than you started with. Perhaps God may have blessed you with an ability to dance, write, cook, be an entrepreneur, design something from scratch, build something out of wood or metal, sing, be a speaker….or perhaps you are yet to discover the gifts God has given you. But I want to say to you today, He will have given you gifts to create something. Gifts that He wants you to enjoy and develop, and also share with others.

How can I respond to knowing we have a creative God?
Consider doing some or all of the follow to help respond and explore this:
- What has God has blessed you with creatively? An ability to dance, write, cook, be an entrepreneur, design something from scratch, build something out of wood or metal, sing, be a speaker….or something else?
- Write out the blessings that come to mind.
- Display them around your home as a reminder and encouragement of what God has given you.
- Ask God to reveal a new way to share and bless others with these gifts today.
This has been written my Emma as part of our Scripture Prompt series. Scripture Prompts are weekly emails that share some different and creative ways to engage and go deeper with scripture. To find out more get in touch here