Word restoration in gold


Word restoration in gold


Discover our annual Christian dance weekends.

A longstanding fixture on the UC Grace calendar bringing people together to dance, move, pray, laugh, and more.

Meet Anna…

The person that makes the Christian dance weekends happen. All round organiser and implementor of creating time and space for God’s workmanship to be outworked. Anna is passionate about offering opportunities to –

  • pass on skills and expertise to others.
  • create an extended environment to move in that allows creativity, movement, and prayer all in one space.
  • remove restrictions which a day workshop may bring.
  • enable a chance to open perspectives, opportunities and times of learning and fellowship alongside others.
Anna dancing with blue flags
Anna Gilderson teaching at Going Deeper 2021

We hope you’ll join us, and have a fabulous experience with Christian dance, movement and the Holy Spirit.

Anna Gilderson teaching at Going Deeper 2021

We hope you’ll join us, and have a fabulous experience with Christian dance, movement and the Holy Spirit.

What’s so great about Christian Dance Weekends?

Joining in-person together for an extended period grows our fellowship, plus our ability to learn, dance and laugh alongside others. Throw God’s awesomeness into the mix too, and it’s amazing. These things make our Christian dance weekends great!

Hands shaking in togetherness
Hands open in faith
Arms moving ribbon
Head image being inspired


Gathering with others to create and build friendships. Finding people passionate about the same things. Being encouraged in who you are, giving space for your journey to grow. Letting yourself just be, by putting a pause in life.


Jesus is the reason! Faith is the most integral part of the dance weekend. Deepening our conversation with God through dance and movement. Learning more about his word, how the Holy Spirit can lead and guide us. Each weekend has a theme that has a solid foundation in the Bible and there’s great fun unpacking it. Not to mention essential moments of prayer and acknowledging we need to stand on God’s truths.


Expanding your movement alongside your faith gives you the freedom to be the best follower of Jesus you can be! At our Christian dance weekends there is a freedom to not only deepen your faith, but also your movement. This is done through individual and group exercises, creating building blocks and simple frameworks to increase your movement and choreographic vocabulary.


Exploring new things, celebrating with others, and growing the depth and breadth of our life experiences. Christian Dance weekends allow participants to be inspired about their journey with God, their conversations with others and their recognition that when they move the atmosphere shifts.

4 dancers outside using white material to dance with

What’s so great about Christian Dance Weekends?

Joining in-person together for an extended period grows our fellowship, plus our ability to learn, dance and laugh alongside others. Throw God’s awesomeness into the mix too, and it’s amazing. These things make our Christian dance weekends great!

Hands shaking in togetherness


Gathering with others to create and build friendships. Finding people passionate about the same things. Being encouraged in who you are, giving space for your journey to grow. Letting yourself just be, by putting a pause in life.

Hands open in faith


Jesus is the reason! Faith is the most integral part of the dance weekend. Deepening our conversation with God through dance and movement. Learning more about his word, how the Holy Spirit can lead and guide us. Each weekend has a theme that has a solid foundation in the Bible and there’s great fun unpacking it. Not to mention essential moments of prayer and acknowledging we need to stand on God’s truths.

Arms moving ribbon


Expanding your movement alongside your faith gives you the freedom to be the best follower of Jesus you can be! At our Christian dance weekends there is a freedom to not only deepen your faith, but also your movement. This is done through individual and group exercises, creating building blocks and simple frameworks to increase your movement and choreographic vocabulary.

Head image being inspired


Exploring new things, celebrating with others, and growing the depth and breadth of our life experiences. Christian Dance weekends allow participants to be inspired about their journey with God, their conversations with others and their recognition that when they move the atmosphere shifts.

4 dancers outside using white material to dance with



Come to join us in a safe cohesive environment and experience Christian dance and movement across a whole weekend. Give yourself space to develop your faith, fellowship and Christian network.

A primary focus is the chance to experience various aspects of creativity, faith, and movement in different ways. Part of this involves group and individual work, practical and reflective sessions.

Due to the variety of workshops that Dancing Free offers, these Christian Dance weekends are a perfect place to begin moving and responding to your faith. Revisit skills, learn new ones and enter an amazing time of fellowship and sharing with others. Beginners are most welcome. These weekends are busy and generally larger in number than our Going Deeper ones.



Provides a space for an intensive encounter with God, deepening and strengthening your personal journey of faith and movement.  Participating in a Going Deeper Christian dance weekend offers a chance to challenge and provoke how you outwork your faith.

A key focus is on the development of movement without resources such as flags and ribbons. There is, however, scope at specific points over the weekend to integrate this into your movement if time and space is appropriate.

Due to the intensity and deeper journey that Going Deeper initiates we recommend that participants already have prior knowledge of moving and dancing with faith.



Provides a space for an intensive encounter with God, deepening and strengthening your personal journey of faith and movement.  Participating in a Going Deeper Christian dance weekend offers a chance to challenge and provoke how you outwork your faith.

A key focus is on the development of movement without resources such as flags and ribbons. There is, however, scope at specific points over the weekend to integrate this into your movement if time and space is appropriate.

Due to the intensity and deeper journey that Going Deeper initiates we recommend that participants already have prior knowledge of moving and dancing with faith.

dancing free logo

Friday 9th – Sunday 11th May 2025

This is fully booked. The next one will run in 2027.

£350 | Late cost £375

No additional fees for single rooms

Greenhouse Christian Centre, Bournemouth, BH13 6DT

dancing free logo

2026 Dates have not been planned yet.

Join the waitlist to know when more inforamtion is released.

£350 | Late cost  £375

Additional fees apply for single rooms

Kings Park Conference Centre, Northampton, NN3 6LL

Being invited to God's banquet table

All our weekends contain...

  • Teaching of core Christian dance and movement skills
  • Chance to experience a variety of different activities across the weekend
  • Explore application to Scripture
  • Allow time and space for participants to meet new people
  • Networking and growing alongside others. 
  • Learning new skills linked with deepening their faith
  • Responding to Scripture, moving prayers, and building a solid movement bank.
  • Connecting, creating and responding to your personal development and journey of faith.  
Being invited to God's banquet table

All our weekends contain...

  • Teaching of core Christian dance and movement skills
  • Chance to experience a variety of different activities across the weekend
  • Explore application to Scripture
  • Allow time and space for participants to meet new people
  • Networking and growing alongside others. 
  • Learning new skills linked with deepening their faith
  • Responding to Scripture, moving prayers, and building a solid movement bank.
  • Connecting, creating and responding to your personal development and journey of faith.  

What’s the difference?

A key difference between Dancing Free and Going Deeper is your movement ability.

Going Deeper assumes you have experience creating and responding to movement tasks on your own. With a desire to deepen and strengthen your personal journey with God.

Whilst Dance Free allows exploration into different aspects of worship dance and the opportunity to experience different styles of teaching, learning and movement. There is an emphasis on group work, discovery and walking with others on your journey with God.

What to expect

Each of our weekends will contain most of the following –

  • Distinctive variety of workshop session.
  • Equipping and resourcing tools available.
  • A fabulous welcome pack
  • Special quiet areas and prayer zones
  • Interactive prayer and creative experiences
  • Dedicated quiet times
  • Guided input to strengthen your walk and movement with God.
sneak peek worship dancers at going deeper


Dates for 2026 will be released early 2025

Kings Park Conference Centre, Northampton, NN3 6LL | £350 – £375

key info to note

  • Check in from 4pm on the Friday, evening meal at 6.30pm.
  • Sunday will finish around 2pm.
  • Twin ensuite rooms – single rooms available for supplement of £37.
  • Accommodation can be across floors, there may not be a lift to access first floor rooms.
  • Outstanding balances can be made in instalments.


Friday 9th – Sunday 11th May 2025 

This weekend is now fully booked.

Greenhouse Christian Centre, Bournemouth, BH13 6DT

£350 – £375

sneak peek worship dancers at going deeper

key info to note

  • Check in from 4pm on the Friday, evening meal at 6pm.
  • Sunday will finish around 2pm.
  • Both single, double and twin rooms are available.
  • There is no extra charge for a single, ensuite room.
  • Not all rooms are ensuite, there are a handful which have shared facilities. Ensuite single rooms are issued on a first come first served basis.
  • The rooms that have shared facilities have their own sink in their room, then share a toilet and a toilet and bathroom between 2-3 rooms only.
  • Accommodation is on both the ground floor and the first floor of the house. There is no lift.
  • Outstanding balances can be made in instalments.
group pictures of attenedees of the 2023 annual christian dance weekend

Payment Selection

Going Deeper

  • Terms and Conditions are available here. In booking you are agreeing to them.

Dancing Free

  • All payments are due by TBC
  • Bookings after TBC require full payment straight away.
  • Terms and Conditions are available to view here. In booking you are agreeing to them.

Relevant to both

  • Please read the relevant Terms and Conditions linked above.
  • Payment of the outstanding balance after the deposit is available in instalments. Please indicate you would like this option on the booking form.
  • Payment can also be made via bank transfer. Our bank details are available upon submission of the booking form.
  • Once payment has been made, you will receive an email confirmation and further information is updated regularly via a Google drive link.

What do I need to do?

If you wish to pay by BACS download the details here.

Once paid you will need to fill in the form you are taken to after payment. It is here you can request single rooms. Single rooms are allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please make sure you click on the relevant button for payment.


Outstanding balance will be payable in instalments or one lump sum.


Outstanding balance will be payable in instalments or one lump sum.

Any problems with completing payment or booking on. Please contact us.