‘For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.’

Romans 15:4

Get into your flow and let momentum keep you going!

by | Nov 19, 2018 | Everyday | 0 comments


So last Friday I headed up to London to join day 2 of Janet Murray’s Content Live, I’m so pleased I managed to set aside the time to go. So many insights and good conversations, I’m going to do a round up and share whether I managed to reach the goals I set out  in my pre-event blog.


So I walked into a room full of people! But I did have the lovely Emma from Wordbee provide me with some moral support. I’d connected with Emma before the event, both sharing that we were nervous arriving on our own. Meeting initially outside Old Street tube station we had a short walk to the venue, so were able to have a quick share about who we were and why we were heading to Content Live.

All the sessions were pretty outstanding; with Osmaan giving a great low down on our Entrepreneurial superpower and encouraging us that it’s all about getting into our flow, once you find the momentum that will keep you going, and make life easier!

Amanda Webb from Spiderworking told us not to listen to the content gremlin (love that picture), and be ready to slay the things that get in the way.

Whilst Janet got us planning! And yes, I got content for the first quarter of 2019 outlined, now to pad it out and pop it in a spreadsheet (more on that below!)


Throughout the day I had a great chance to chat with some lovely creatives, all looking for a different angle on how they could build and share their content more effectively. Two people that I had some interesting conversations with included Ramat and Rosie. Ramat primarily deals with helping customers generate the right business strategy via Ramat Tejani Marketing. However she introduced me to this fabulous new concept that she’s just launched called The Inspiration box. A place where you can draw inspiration from, have your curiosity ignited and be reminded of endless possibilities.

Whilst Rosie, runs Mind, Body and Baby, which helps women to enjoy pregnancy and parenthood through hypnobirthing and therapy. It was great to be able to brainstorm some ideas with the lovely Alice (from Alice Sheridan Art), about how she could engage her big email list to respond to a call to action, as well as develop her online courses that she’s written further.


Yay to automation! This is where the Mechanic in me got very excited. Let me just explain what I mean by Mechanic – this is my entrepreneurial super power. In essence Mechanics are good at finding ways to improve systems, making things simpler, perfecting projects and pay attention to detail. So when Andrew and Pete stepped up and started talking Spreadsheets – colour coded at that – there was a little inner squeal! Essentially in planning content you need to create 3 things, a publishing schedule, content task sheet and production schedule. In other words, I’ve got to put some new systems in place, so I’ll be looking forward to working out the best way for this to happen.

It was a great day, and I’m looking forward to continuing to get #2019sorted!

Thanks Janet for organising such an awesome day.


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