Here we are nearly at the end of the Advent, how have you journeyed through it this year? For me it’s been very different to previous years, I’ve taken a complete step back from the Christmas worship dance I normally have done, and some days I have had to let it pass me by. Choosing not to stress and put pressure on because I haven’t done, or not read or not seen something. I’ve allowed myself to be comfortable knowing that God is with me all way and worship dancing and praying in the moments that spring up unplanned.
In one of those moments, I enjoyed creating movements to a Christmas Worship dance. Just a few movements that would stick in my head, cause my mouth to smile, heart to lift and my body to bounce in rhythm. I shared this at the UC Grace Christmas gathering and now I’m sharing it with you alongside the Prayer Dance Bites session that we did too.
‘“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.”’
Luke 2:14
The Scripture – Luke 2:14
This Scripture draws upon many themes. But the three key things I want to draw out in relation to this Christmas worship dance are; God is above all things, peace is always there for us, and God’s favour will always be on us.
Despite where we are in our journey God is there, and we have the chance to lift up glory and acknowledge that he will lead and guide you in moments that you don’t think possible.
Peace isn’t something that appears in one moment and disappears the next, it’s something that God has given to us that is there all the time. There maybe moment when that gift isn’t visible, isn’t tangible and feels like it’s dropped off cliff to the deepest pit of oblivion. But God’s word says otherwise. So amongst any turmoil that we may feel, God’s peace is always there, whisper, breathe, take a moment and you will see.
God’s favour rests on us, simply by us choosing to follow Him. We have been saved by Grace through Jesus Christ. It’s not singling us out, it’s a blessing that we get as we enter in God’s space.

The Reflection
As you reflect more on this verse, here are a few questions to help you –
- How does God cause you to ponder?
- Where is God’s glory in your life?
- When do you know God’s peace is on you?
If it’s helpful, you can move and reflect to the song ‘Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me’ by CityAlight. Think about some of these movements:
- Walking around in circle (pondering)
- Shooting hand and arm up into the air one after the other (glory)
- Push your hands down and slowly away from you (peace)
The Christmas worship dance movements
It’s fast, fully energy, but I encourage you take 20 minutes and be intentional about some Christmas worship dance. The choreography is to the song ‘He is Here’ by Phil Wickham, and the movements are only to two main sections of the song, allowing you freedom to worship and explore the rest of the song as you want to.
The first thing to do though is to warm up! As this song is quite energy it’s important that your muscles are warm before you begin to learn the movements. It’s also good to use this time to prepare your heart. Yes, you are learning a dance, but these movements are about glorifying God and lifting praise and worship to him. Let’s be intentional and put our heart in the right place as we step out to do that.
Watch the video below for the full tutorial and if you have any questions please do comment on the video or this blog post.
Have a fabulous time doing your own Christmas worship dance and I look forward to sharing with you more in 2025. To find out more about UC Grace please head to our main website here.