“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12
Learn and Grow
The strongest thing that UC Grace stands on is God’s word. Applying, soaking and accepting the amazing Scriptures that help form our Biblical foundation is key to progressing on with our journey. Learning and growing is part of that journey. So at UC Grace we like to be able to offer support, guidance and application to God’s word alongside deepening and strengthening your Christian dance experience.
This page offers opportunities for you to do just that, free monthly videos that take a deep dive into a piece of Scripture, Christian Dance membership that helps solidify your connection of faith and movement. Plus the chance of 1 to 1 support from myself, Anna.

MONTHLY NUGGET – Biblical Foundation
Join me live on YouTube where I share a short talk based on the months theme and Scripture. It offers you the opportunity to hear some of my life experience. Learn how to apply the Scripture to your life and have the opportunity to see how I can shape movement from an aspiring Scripture.

MONTHLY NUGGET – Biblical Foundation
Join me live on YouTube where I share a short talk based on the months theme and Scripture. It offers you the opportunity to hear some of my life experience. Learn how to apply the Scripture to your life and have the opportunity to see how I can shape movement from an aspiring Scripture.
Weekly online opportunities for fellowship and exploration of God’s word with guided creative movement and prayer responses. These regular sessions will help deepen and strengthen your understanding and application of the Bible. Giving moments of spiritual revelation and refreshment in your relationship with God.

Weekly online opportunities for fellowship and exploration of God’s word with guided creative movement and prayer responses. These regular sessions will help deepen and strengthen your understanding and application of the Bible. Giving moments of spiritual revelation and refreshment in your relationship with God.

At UC Grace we are passionate about enabling you to navigate your life with confidence in who God has made you. Sometimes that requires you to seek refreshment and see life from a different perspective. The mentoring I offer enables you to deepen your conversations, grow stronger in your faith and have a hunger to pursue the destiny God has given you.

At UC Grace we are passionate about enabling you to navigate your life with confidence in who God has made you. Sometimes that requires you to seek refreshment and see life from a different perspective. The mentoring I offer enables you to deepen your conversations, grow stronger in your faith and have a hunger to pursue the destiny God has given you.