At UC Grace we are passionate about equipping all generations to experience more of Jesus. We do this through dance, movement and the Christian faith. This is why we would love to know if you would be interested in joining some Christian dance classes. Planning is...
‘For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.’
Romans 15:4
Our Blog
Thanks for visiting our dedicated Christian dance blog. Here you will find hints, tips, workshop ideas and more. Which can fuel your desire for a deeper more intimate relationship with God. We hope you enjoy exploring!
The UK Dance Blessing is Released
Following the release of The Blessing UK at the beginning of May 2020, Anna and Prinith felt led to respond to a call from God to gather the movers and dancers of the UK to move a blessing and prayer over the area that people lived in. It’s vision was to - ...
Dance Collaboration – The Blessing
Who saw the UK Blessing video yesterday? It was great to see the unity in the church. Myself (UC Grace) and Prinith (Movement in Worship Birmingham Base) have felt led to organise a UK Dance/ Movement blessing. We want people across different dance ministries, and...
1000 Reasons to dance for our King
I am so excited to share this project with you.It particularly seems so relevant now as so many of us are dancing and moving more than ever have before. 1000 Reasons to dance for our King, is a project about acknowledging all those reasons that we choose to...
Build God’s Kingdom – Change the Atmosphere
Happy Easter! Today we celebrate our risen King. Let’s dance somewhere not seen before. Let’s build God’s kingdom and change the atmosphere. We begin by joining in the 3rd day after Jesus died, the day that he rose again. The two Mary’s found an empty tomb. And an...
Create your own Easter Garden
I am sure you all have different traditions of things that you do at Easter, I love to make little gardens and chat to the children about what we are doing and why. In this season as we are spending more time at home, I'd thought I'd share an activity for the whole...
Peace be Still… Let Faith Arise
Many of you have heard me speak about raising up a #dancingarmy and encouraging people to #dancealittlelouder. The reality of this happening has snowballed, and it is awesome to see how God is using such a simple concept to gather people, to gather movers and dancers...