‘For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.’

Romans 15:4

Worship Flags – 4 Good Things to Know about Worship Flags in the Bible.

by | May 16, 2024 | Teaching, Worship Flags | 8 comments

‘May God do what you want most and let all go well for you. Then you win victories and we will celebrate whilst raising our banners in the name of God.’

Psalm 20:4-5

Know this before you start

How are worship flags used in the Bible?

  1. Israel’s banner of God being with them demonstrated how they were a people who belonged to God. They housed the Ark of the Covenant, with them morning and evening. It was a symbol of God saying I am with you, just like we have the Holy Spirit.
  2. Each tribe had one rallying point for the fighting men of the tribes. This brought together a demonstration of military and fighting force. They could look to the horizon and know the banner they needed to get back to.
  3. The next level was tribal unit identity. There were 3 tribes on each side NESW, so they knew exactly where they belonged – their identity.
  4. Finally there were family clan units – these were based on the location of other banners, families always knew where to camp. The banners acted as reference points, therefore giving individuals purpose and vision.

What can banners do?

  1. Tell people who you represent, bit like a signal pole always high on a hill.
  2. Signal of intent about what is to come – Jeremiah 51.12
  3. Indicate past victories they’d come through – different ribbons are attached to their pole under their banner depending on the battle won. Psalm 20.5 and 7
  4. Indication of Gods presence – Moses and Aaron’s staff are banners that have been lifted and a response occurred. Exodus – 25
  5. Put enemies to flight. Isaiah 31.9

Remember this going forward about worship flags in the Bible.

Using flags and banners in worship.
Pinterest. Dancers in blue dresses with orange flags.


  1. Lauren Cheetham

    Hi Anna,
    Interesting read! I never knew or thought about the significance of them. To be honest I’ve always associated it with either little children or (sorry if it sounds patronising) the older generation.x

    • anna_ucgrace

      That’s not surprising. For some of those generations it allows them to access worship and movement together in a safe way. I think it’s good remind ourselves sometimes, why we do what we do!

  2. Lauren Cheetham

    Hi Anna,
    Interesting read! I never knew or thought about the significance of them. To be honest I’ve always associated it with either little children or (sorry if it sounds patronising) the older generation.x

    • anna_ucgrace

      That’s not surprising. For some of those generations it allows them to access worship and movement together in a safe way. I think it’s good remind ourselves sometimes, why we do what we do!

  3. Angel Fierro

    I’m just inquiring about the cost and what colors represent. I know the church I used to attend had purple. I know they had meaning. I would like to have some for myself. I go to a small church but maybe I could introduce this in my church. I’m sure they know but no one does stuff like this. There’s only a few guys and older women. There’s more people but since covid they stay home still.

  4. Angel Fierro

    I’m just inquiring about the cost and what colors represent. I know the church I used to attend had purple. I know they had meaning. I would like to have some for myself. I go to a small church but maybe I could introduce this in my church. I’m sure they know but no one does stuff like this. There’s only a few guys and older women. There’s more people but since covid they stay home still.

  5. Panthiea

    How would worship flags be use as an Evangelism tool?

    • Admin

      Worship flags offer an opportunity for a conversation to explain what you are doing and the intention behind what you are doing, but also a chance to speak about God’s word and what it says about flags. They are also eye catching and colourful offering the chance to tell a story. In addition, offering the public a chance to engage with the flags themselves allows them the opportunity to experience a walk with God.
      If you pray and understand your intention with worship flags they can be used to draw people in to knowing more about Jesus. The use of the flags is just one tiny element that may offer you a conversation and an inlet. I hope that helps.



  1. 5 Top tips for Teaching Children Flags and Ribbons – UC Grace Blog - […] is too much to say all in this post, so make sure you check out my post about What…
  2. 5 Top tips for Teaching Children Flags and Ribbons – UC Grace Blog - […] is too much to say all in this post, so make sure you check out my post about What…

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Golden Whirlwind

Golden Whirlwind

As a Christian dancer, I make the decision to outwardly declare through movement what God is doing, what He’s saying and how others can ‘see’ Jesus. As multiple Christian dancers and movers do this together, something very special develops with this Christian dancing...