by Anna Gilderson | Nov 19, 2018 | Events, Tuesday Thought
How often does Advent arrive and you feel like you weren’t ready for it, or you groan because that means that Christmas is going to sneak up really quickly and you still need to get x amount of things done first? In an effort to be a bit more organised I started...
by Anna Gilderson | Nov 13, 2018 | Everyday, Tuesday Thought
You can’t see God sometimes in the situation you’re in. On Saturday I had the chance to join Jubilee Church Flourish ladies weekend. A fantastic opportunity to receive and get some refueling for myself. Their theme for the weekend was ‘new wine’, how do...
by Anna Gilderson | Nov 9, 2018 | Events
It is with much excitement that I can share with you the news that there will be a 2019 dance weekend!! This has been something I have been mulling over for a while, and this week took the plunge. So save the date! We are doing to a new location, with a different...