Jesus – bring new wine out of me

You can’t see God sometimes in the situation you’re in. On Saturday I had the chance to join Jubilee Church Flourish ladies weekend. A fantastic opportunity to receive and get some refueling for myself. Their theme for the weekend was ‘new wine’, how do...

Essentials of faith

… rock solid dependency on God’s word… When you choose to stand up and teach in front of others you need to know that you’re teaching from a point of authority with a firm foundation in what you hold true. These couple of verse provide a...

Dancing with a Holy Roar

“In Him we Live and Move and have our Being.” Acts 17.28 God has given us our amazing bodies to move and dance with in whatever way we can. The other day I came across Chris Tomlins new song ‘HOLY ROAR’, it took my breath away. It spoke right...